Saturday, September 19, 2009

Redneck Wedding

One of the reasons I was in Wisconsin was to go to my brother' wedding. A picture of the bride and groom shown here right after they got hitched at the hitching post which is to the left. Across the river behind them is upper Michigan. The wedding took place on a piece of property once owned by my grandpa Rudy (Rudolf). The last time I had been to this place was when I was maybe 7 or 8 years old. At that time I came up with my brother and my mom's parents Nick and Elfrieda. I remember having the best time playing outside in the rain, in my swimsuit. My brother and I just splashed around in the puddles. I also remember Rudy's Russian girlfriend who had bleached blonde hair and was very nice to me. Right after the pictures the happy couple took off on some ATVs with their wedding party and had a private celebration in the woods.

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